How might we address workspace clutter in an all-in-one product?
Neater is the all-in-one solution to messy cables at your desk
Full desktop PC setup with dual monitors, stereo speakers, and wired peripherals, all with only power cord to the wall
The Issue
Cables are messy, but dealing with them is too much effort.
Workspace conditions can affect your productivity and focus
Roster et. al, Raja et. al, Knight et. al
The Insight
Desk cable management solutions aren’t integrated → high barrier to entry
The Development
What if cables could be intentional instead of messy? Could they be made beautiful?
Kinda… too many variables, too many extra parts. Need to refine.
A cable highway with central power all in one clamp-on accessory. No drilling or adhesive.
Can a cantilevered clamp hold onto a table? Yes
Which finish provides a nice brushed look and is smooth to the touch? 400 + scotchbrite
Can a cantilevered clamp support weight? Not without drooping significantly
The Product
Steve Chininis, Tripp Edwards, Noah Posner